Research projects

Abbreviation Titlesort descending Starting date Deadline (months)
Application of Back-to-Back Hybrid Filter to a Hot Strip Mill with Cycloconverters 01/11/2024 48
Application of Hybrid Filters in Microgrids for Harmonic Compensation 23/02/2024 48
Application of Mathematical Optimization Techniques to Solve Problems Electrical Energy Systems 01/01/2023 60
Design of Automatic Controllers for Wheeled and Aerial Mobile Robots Focused on Autonomous Load Transportation 01/12/2022 36
Design of localization algorithms for motion planning and control applied to the autonomous navigation of aerial and ground robots in indoor and outdoor environments. 21/06/2024 24
GOLFTEC Development of tools for detecting acoustic signals from delphinids obtained by passive acoustic monitoring 05/06/2024 36
Human-Robot Interaction Strategies for Autistic Spectrum Disorder therapies using multisensory systems and artificial intelligence 04/12/2023 36
TCBaixaDosagem Medical image processing with space mapping from sensors to and space of images using generative networks 12/09/2022 48
SenFOpFPSO Oil Separation Profiler with Optical Fiber Sensing for FPSO Vessels 23/01/2023 36
ProtGD Protection of power grids with high integration of distributed generation 04/01/2021 96
SEES Studies in Energies and Electrical Systems 01/06/2023 99
RTVBA Trajectory Tracking of Car-Like Vehicles in Low-Friction Terrain 01/06/2024 36
Use of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Techniques Applied to Education 01/06/2023 60
Use of Artificial Intelligence for Cancer Detection in Human Tissues and Pathology Detection in EEG Signals 03/01/2022 48
01/06/2021 50


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