Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
04/11/2024 24 Coordinator *
03/06/2024 36 Coordinator *
01/05/2024 36 Coordinator *
Human-Robot Interaction Strategies for Autistic Spectrum Disorder therapies using multisensory systems and artificial intelligence 04/12/2023 36 Researcher *
01/11/2023 24 Researcher *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
LÍVIA GONÇALVES GOMES 26/10/2023 MSc in Electrical Engineering
Fault diagnosis in electrical motors through vibration monitoring using Fiber
Bragg Grating-based accelerometers
LEANDRO CASSA MACEDO 17/10/2023 MSc in Electrical Engineering
Intelligent Soft-sensor System to Add Haptic Perception to Underactuated Hand Prostheses LAURA VANESA DE ARCO BARRAZA 10/03/2023 MSc in Electrical Engineering
Generation of a multi-wavelength Brillouin erbium fiber laser with frequency spacing versatility EDUARDA PEDRUZZI DA SILVA 19/08/2022 MSc in Electrical Engineering
FBG-based sensing systems for robotic manipulators to monitor interactions in unstructured environments VITORINO BIAZI NETO 14/03/2022 MSc in Electrical Engineering


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
JOÃO PAULO LEBARCK PIZZAIA Co-advisor * Proposal for phd thesis
LEANDRO MUNHOZ DE AVELLAR Advisor * Proposal for phd thesis
RENAN COSTA LAZARO Advisor * Proposal for phd thesis
RENAN COSTA LAZARO Co-advisor * Proposal for phd thesis
ROBERTSON WESLEY MONTEIRO PIRES JUNIOR Advisor * Proposal for msc dissertation


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